If you’re wondering if HealthyWage is legit, or if they’re just another weight loss scam… let me assure you they are the real deal.
They’ve been around since 2009 and have been featured in various news outlets throughout the years, with hundreds of winning participants. If you win a bet with HealthyWage, you are guaranteed to make a profit.
Calculate your unique bet and grab an exclusive 22% prize boost through this link
What is HealthyWage?
First of all, let me make it clear that HealthyWage is not a weight loss program or a diet – it’s more like a way to add accountability to losing weight.
Not everyone will find this a good fit. But if you’re struggling with the motivation you need to seriously get started, or even if you’re having trouble sticking to a weight loss program… HealthyWage might be just what you need.
Watch me walk through the process of making a bet with HealthyWage
Follow along with me here and get 22% added to your final prize
Place a bet on your weight loss, profit up to 300%…
How it works is pretty simple – you place a bet on how much weight you’ll lose over a set period of time.
For example, it could be something like you wager $30 a month that you’ll lose 50 lbs in 6 months, or $100 a month to lose 80 lbs in a year. Really it can be whatever you want as long as you follow their basic rules.
When creating your own HealthyWager bet, you’ll need:
- to bet over $100
- wager to lose at least 10% of your body weight
- set your challenge to last anywhere from 6 -18 months
While you do need to invest some money, if you win your bet you will actually get a profit.
Money can be paid all at once or monthly. If you don’t want to pay your bet all upfront, you can set it up so HealthyWage takes out monthly deductions over the course of your challenge.
For example, if you bet $300 that you’ll lose weight in a year, you can choose to pay $25 per month instead of the full amount when you sign up.
In some cases, you could be looking at up to a 300% profit, but the best way to know how much you could potentially win is to just play with their prize calculator yourself.
You can follow ANY diet or eating plan!
It doesn’t matter how you lose weight, HealthyWage is not a diet program. It exists as motivation to help people meet their weight loss goals.
All that matters is that if you hit your goal by the end of your challenge, they will pay you.
They do not encourage crash dieting, so this is why the minimum wager time is 6 months.
…and NO. HealthyWage isn’t a scam!
I’m in a support group for HealthyWage participants, as well as active on the app, and I can tell you I see people winning their wagers almost every day.
They share how exciting it is and sometimes, even take pictures with their checks in hand!
Never once have I heard a story about how someone won and wasn’t paid, they are 100%, not a scam.
Also, they were established in 2009, so they are not a new company by any means.
They’ve received lots of press coverage including well-known outlets like NPR, CNN, The Today Show, The Doctors, Good Morning America, ABC, The Washington Post, and many more.
In addition, there are tons of verifiable testimonials of winning participants.
This type of program may not be the right fit for everyone, but I can assure you it’s definitely the real deal.
If you want to know what you could possibly win with HealthyWage, you should totally try their prize calculator. It’s 100% free to play around with and really fun to see what you could win! 🙂
Calculate how much you could win through this link (and get receive a 22% increase to your total prize)
How are you “getting paid” if you have to pay them money?
If you lose the weight, you will win money – over 200% profit on the wager is normal, although it can be up to 300%. The average payout to winners is $1,203 (according to the company).
So yes, you are paying in money – but if you win, you get a profit in addition to the money you wagered.
The nice thing about their HealthyWager challenge is that you can calculate your own prize and know exactly how much you will win. It isn’t determined by a team or anything, you aren’t splitting the money – none of that! You go in KNOWING you’ll profit if you win. (This is different for their team challenges)
…but then how does HealthyWage make money?
HealthyWage uses the money from people who don’t win their challenges to pay out the winners. They must have enough people fail their bets that they’re able to make the program work, although I don’t know just how profitable the company actually is.
Reality check: HealthyWage will NOT make you rich!
No matter how much you bet, your winnings will not be some crazy amount of money that’ll make you rich.
The purpose is more so just an incentive to help keep you on track throughout your weight loss journey. With money at stake, it might prevent people from falling off the wagon.
Actually, it’s proven that monetary reward greatly increases the chances of sticking to a weight loss plan
Research, like this 2008 study, and a larger 2013 Mayo Clinic study has shown that people who have a monetary incentive for weight loss are significantly more likely to stick with a program and lose more weight than those who don’t.
If you’re lacking the motivation to finally lose some weight, HealthyWage may help you.
Can you just cheat HealthyWage?
Initially, the whole HealthyWage thing didn’t make sense to me because I was confused about how they’d really know what your weight was and how much you lost…. couldn’t people just lie? But once I read more about it, it made much more sense.
You actually need to send in a video weigh-in at the beginning and end of your challenge to verify your weight, which is very simple to do on their app.
You need to just follow the simple procedure they outline for you. They have real people check them to make sure you’re clearly stepping on the scale without “cheating”, using weights, or anything like that.
This way you are actually proving to them you weigh a certain amount.
Creating a personalized HealthyWager bet
Let’s go through the process of creating a HealthyWager challenge.
This challenge allows you to bet on your own individual weight loss goal – you’re not in it with a team. It’s 100% you!
Remember that the rules are that you will need to bet at least 10% of your body weight, bet over $100, and have your challenge last for a minimum of 6 months.
How much does HealthWage cost?
The minimum requirement for the HealthWager bet is that it needs to be over $100. The maximum you’re able to bet on these challenges is $10,000.
The more money you bet, the more you can win.
Also, remember that you can pay your bet in monthly payments for the length of your challenge – which ranges from 6-18 months depending on what you choose to do (or you can pay it all at once).
For the individual/team challenges you can bet as little as $10/month for 2-3 months, but the entry fee varies by the challenge. You can do up to 10 challenges at a time in addition to your HealthyWager.
They also have smaller challenges which you can participate in, which typically last 3 months and have smaller entry fees ($10-$30/month) You can do up to 10 smaller challenges at a time in addition to your HealthyWage bet. These include things like increasing your step count by 25% (you connect your fitness tracker) or losing 6% of your body weight. You can do these smaller challenges in a team, or by yourself. Hundreds of corporations, including Dominos, even have used these team-driven HealthyWage challenges with their employees. (You don’t have to participate with a team or through an employer though, you can do it on your own)
Calculate Your Own Prize Here
Pro Tip: Definitely run through different scenarios with the calculator – I ran through mine like 20 times to get the highest payout with the most realistic goal I could.
HealthyWage Success Stories
While I plan to feature my own success story here as soon as I meet my goal and win, I am still working towards that goal (which is fully documented both on my blog and YouTube channel). So, I will share with you all a few of the success stories that inspired me to join HealthyWage.

Jennifer from Richmond, Texas won $4,181 after losing 101 lbs. Initially weighing in at 400 lbs, she lost 75 lbs but experienced a plateau. She discovered HealthyWage and placed a bet to encourage her to keep going on her journey. She ended up exceeding her goal and losing 102 lbs at her final weigh-in. “I knew if I were to put so much money into it, I would do exactly what it takes to reach my goal,” Jennifer is quoted referring to her reasoning for placing her bet with HealthyWage.

Danielle from Bonne Terra, MO won $1,323 after losing 128 lbs. Her motivation was to get healthy for her young son, so she could be around for him. She actually stumbled across HealthyWage while Googling ways to get paid losing weight, and after researching the program decided to go all in on her bet. She focused on being more active and counting her calories without going to extremes.

Glenn from Cedar Grove, NC won $1,383 after losing 102 lbs. He lost weight by eliminating meat, processed foods and sugar and slowly incorporated walking into his routine. He now walks as much as possible and works out 4 times a week, and is looking forward to a long healthy life.
If you’re having trouble finding the motivation to lose weight, placing a bet with HealthyWage may help
So while HealthyWage won’t provide you with a diet to follow, have you attend weight loss meetings, or tell you “the secret” to dropping pounds, they can be just what you need to actually stick with it.
I recommend playing with the prize calculator to see what you could potentially win.
It doesn’t cost anything to do it and it’s kinda fun! You can play around with it as many times as you want to figure out the right bet for you (I think I ran 20 different bets before I found the one that I wanted to do!)
Calculate your OWN prize here and get a 22% prize boost!
Let’s do this together! If you have any questions on how HealthyWage works, drop me a comment down below!
Ho does Healthy wage know that I’m being honest about my weight? I got to the credit card area but quit there because of this. There was nothing about a weigh in, Just my word.
Yeah, I was confused at first too. But after you sign up, they tell you exactly how to verify your weight with a specific video verification process. The weight in your verification video is your official start weight for the challenge.